A water-based acrylic coating is a perfect solution if you want to protect your roof and extend its life. It's an easy application that can be done in a single coat, and it offers superior protection against UV rays, moisture, and other environmental factors.

But how do you get the best out of this type of roof coating? Read on to find out.

Choose the Right Product for Your Roof Type

There are many different types of water-based acrylic roof coatings available on the market today, so it's important that you choose one that is specifically tailored to your roof type.

The main three categories are elastomeric, thermoplastic, and polyurethane. Elastomeric coatings are highly flexible and durable. They offer excellent protection from UV rays, moisture, and temperature changes –– something that's ideal in areas with extreme weather.

Thermoplastic coatings are more rigid than elastomeric, but they have the added benefit of being heat-resistant. This makes them great for areas with hot summers and cold winters. They are typically used for flat roofs or metal roofs where movement is minimal.

Lastly, polyurethane coatings offer superior durability but may require more coats than other types of water-based acrylic coatings to achieve optimal performance. But polyurethane coatings are thicker, more resilient, and better at filling cracks in your roof.

Prepare Your Roof Before Applying the Coating

Before you apply any type of coating to your roof, it's important that you thoroughly clean and prepare it first. This includes removing any debris, such as leaves or twigs from the roof's surface and power washing the surface with a mild detergent.

Once you complete this step, allow the roof to dry completely before applying any type of coating. Any water trapped beneath the coating will not only weaken the bond of the coating but can also cause premature failure.

Additionally, make sure there are no open seams or cracks in your roof, as these need to be addressed before applying any kind of coating as well. Otherwise, the coating won't adhere properly, and your roof will still be susceptible to damage.

Apply the Coating Properly

Once your roof is prepared correctly and dried off, you can begin applying your chosen water-based acrylic coating. You need to follow all manufacturer instructions when doing this, or else you risk not getting optimal performance from your product.

Typically, these products come in either brushable or sprayable forms, so be sure you use whichever form suits your needs best when applying it to your roof. Also, keep in mind that multiple coats may be necessary depending on which product you purchase. Multiple coats increase the durability of the acrylic coating and reduce the chances of premature failure due to extreme weather conditions.  

For more info about water-based acrylic roof coatings, contact a local company. 
